Friday, March 18, 2011

Work unlimited

Some brands seem to forget that their customers are human beings. As humans, most of them aspire to one day being more fulfilled, relaxed and creative than seems possible for them now with their busy, schedule-constrained lives - largely lived inside boxes of one kind or another. They dream of working from a walled garden in the South of France, managing their investments on a laptop or sitting in the afternoon sun writing poems or screenplays, or doing deals on the phone while they stare at walls of climbing flowers and the heady smell of warm stone and ripening plums.

Everyone has a dream of creativity.

So who then does the new Dell tagline - Work Unlimited - appeal to? Are there beings out there who dream of white walls, suited executives and a life lived entirely in airport lounges? Are there people who long to be able to work constantly, all the time, without being able to escape? Maybe there are.